Source code for

"""The Market Data API is an unauthenticated set of endpoints for retrieving
market data. These endpoints provide snapshots of market data. 

Find more here: `<>`_

.. module:: market
   :synopsis: Market Data API

.. moduleauthor:: Alexander Simeonov <>

from requests import get

from cbexchange.client import RESTClient, PaginationClient

# Levels for Get Product Order Book

[docs]class MarketClient(RESTClient): def _request(self, method, *relative_path_parts, **kwargs): """Sends an HTTP request to the REST API and receives the requested data. :param str method: HTTP method name :param relative_path_parts: the relative paths for the request URI :param kwargs: argument keywords :returns: requested data :raises APIError: for non-2xx responses """ uri = self._create_api_uri(*relative_path_parts) response = get(uri, params=kwargs.get('params', None)) return self._handle_response(response).json()
[docs] def get_products(self): """`<>`_""" return self._get('products')
[docs] def get_product_order_book(self, level=None, product_id='BTC-USD'): """`<>`_""" return self._get('products', product_id, 'book', params={'level':level})
[docs] def get_product_ticker(self, product_id='BTC-USD'): """`<>`_""" return self._get('products', product_id, 'ticker')
[docs] def get_trades(self, product_id='BTC-USD'): """`<>`_""" return self._get('products', product_id, 'trades')
[docs] def get_historic_trades(self, start, end, granularity, product_id='BTC-USD'): """`<>`_ :param start: either datetime.datetime or str in ISO 8601 :param end: either datetime.datetime or str in ISO 8601 :pram int granularity: desired timeslice in seconds :returns: desired data """ params = { 'start':self._format_iso_time(start), 'end':self._format_iso_time(end), 'granularity':granularity } return self._get('products', product_id, 'candles', params=params)
[docs] def get_stats(self, product_id='BTC-USD'): """`<>`_""" return self._get('products', product_id, 'stats')
[docs] def get_currencies(self): """`<>`_""" return self._get('currencies')
[docs] def get_time(self): """`<>`_""" return self._get('time')
[docs]class MarketPaginationClient(PaginationClient): def _request(self, method, *relative_path_parts, **kwargs): """Sends an HTTP request to the REST API and receives the requested data. Additionally sets up pagination cursors. :param str method: HTTP method name :param relative_path_parts: the relative paths for the request URI :param kwargs: argument keywords :returns: requested data :raises APIError: for non-2xx responses """ uri = self._create_api_uri(*relative_path_parts) response = get(uri, params=self._get_params(**kwargs)) self.is_initial = False self.before_cursor = response.headers.get('cb-before', None) self.after_cursor = response.headers.get('cb-after', None) return self._handle_response(response).json()
[docs]class GetTradesPagination(MarketPaginationClient): """`<>`_""" def __init__(self, product_id='BTC-USD', api_uri=None, before=True, limit=None, cursor=None): super(GetTradesPagination, self).__init__(api_uri, before, limit, cursor) self.product_id = product_id
[docs] def endpoint(self): if self._check_next(): return self._get('products', self.product_id, 'trades') else: return None